Second Call Filter  /  Block&SMS  Privacy Policy

Read Contacts

Second Call Filter  /  Block&SMS needs to read contacts and show them in a list so that you can choose to add numbers to blocked / non-blocked list.

Read Call Logs

Second Call Filter  /  Block&SMS needs to read call logs and show them in a list so that you can see information about filtered calls.

Read Phone State

Second Call Filter  /  Block&SMS needs to read the phone state to get information about received calls and then block them if required.

Call Phone

Second Call Filter  /  Block&SMS needs to use use the Call Phone permissions in order to block phone calls when a blocked person is called.

Send SMS

Second Call Filter  /  Block&SMS sends an SMS to the blocked caller when he/she is calling. Then it may block the person's call. Please be aware that these SMS may cost you money.

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